
Physical Therapy

Mobility Aids

Using Crutches: Up and Down Steps

Walkers: Bathing

Transfer: Wheelchair to Toilet

Transfer: Bed to Wheelchair

Fitting Your Crutches

Using Crutches: Sitting, Standing, Through Doors

Fitting Your Cane

Fitting Your Walker

Discharge Instructions: Using a Cane

Discharge Instructions: Using a Walker

Discharge Instructions: Using a Walker to Get Up and Down from a Chair

Discharge Instructions: Using a Walker to Go Through Doorways

Discharge Instructions: Using a Walker to Go Up and Down Curbs

Discharge Instructions: Using Crutches (Non-Weight-Bearing)

Discharge Instructions: Using Crutches (Weight-Bearing)

Learning to Use a Prosthesis

Using a Walker after Amputation

Transfer: Wheelchair to Chair

Using a Cane with Your Prosthesis

After Hip Replacement: Using Your Walker

After Knee Replacement: Using a Walker

Step-by-Step: Using Crutches with Swing To (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Using Crutches with Swing Through (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Using Crutches with Step To (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Using Crutches with Step Through (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Using Crutches on Stairs

Step-by-Step: Sitting with Crutches (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Standing with Crutches (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Going Through a Door with Crutches

Step-by-Step: Using a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Using a Walker (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Sitting with a Walker (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Standing with a Walker (Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Going Up and Down Curbs with a Walker

Step-by-Step: Going Through a Door with a Walker

Step-by-Step: Using a Cane

Step-by-Step: Using a Cane on Stairs

Step-by-Step: Sitting with Crutches (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Standing with Crutches (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Sitting with a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Standing with a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing)

Step-by-Step: Getting into a Shower Stall with a Walker

Step-by-Step: Getting into a Tub with a Walker

Step-by-Step: Fitting a Walker

Step-by-Step: Fitting a Cane


Exercise Program for ACL Tear

Exercise Program for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Exercise Program for Tennis Elbow


Rehabilitation for Kneecap (Patella) Problems

Exercise Program for Meniscus Tear

Exercise Program for Herniated Disc

Exercise Program for Knee Arthritis

Exercise Program for ACL Tear

Exercise Program for Ankle Sprain

Exercise Program for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Exercise Program for Hip Arthritis

Exercise Program for IT Band Syndrome

Exercise Program for Neck Strain

Exercise Program for Peroneal Tendonitis

Exercise Program for Rotator Cuff Injury

Exercise Program for Shoulder Dislocation

Exercise Program for Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

Exercise Program for Snapping Hip Syndrome

Exercise Program for Tennis Elbow

Exercise Program for Upper Back Pain

Achilles Tendon: Exercises

Plantar Fasciitis: Exercises

Elbow: Golfer's: Exercises

Wrist Sprain: Rehab Exercises

Foot Sprain: Metatarsophalangeal Joint: Rehab Exercises

Shoulder: Frozen: Exercises