Watch this video to understand that having type 2 diabetes can lead to long-term complications if it is not managed correctly.
Watch how plaque build-up within large blood vessels reduces blood flow to your heart and extremities.
Understand the cause and symptoms of nerve disease. Know what symptoms to look for in your hands, feet and other organs, to be able to tell your healthcare team immediately.
Learn how diabetes can cause poor blood flow to small vessels throughout your body, and the importance of helping prevent potential blindness and kidney disease.
Type 2 Diabetes can lead to long-term complications. You can take an active role in your health by getting screened for any complications of diabetes early on before they are major health issues.
Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels. This can lead to health problems (complications). Keeping your blood sugar in your target ranges can help prevent or delay complications.
When you have diabetes, your body needs special care. This care helps you stay healthy and prevent complications. Read on to learn details about caring for your body.