Después de haber visto este video, el paciente tendrá un entendimiento básico del desarrollo del cáncer, opciones comunes de tratamiento y que se va a formular un plan de tratamiento personalizado.
La palabra "cáncer" se refiere a células anormales que se reproducen en forma incontrolable. El cáncer no es una sola enfermedad. Puede involucrar cualquier tipo de célula, en cualquier parte de su cuerpo. Y comienza con un problema en los genes de las células.
Hay muchos tipos de cáncer y estos se pueden comportar de formas muy variadas. Cuando un paciente es diagnosticado con cáncer, los médicos evalúan y clasifican las características del cáncer. Este proceso se conoce como "estadificación" del cáncer. La estadificación ayuda a los médicos a diseñar planes eficaces de tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Durante el curso de su tratamiento contra el cáncer, es posible que su médico le informe que su cáncer está en "remisión". Estas son muy buenas noticias, pero no es lo mismo que decir que usted está curado. Hay dos tipos de remisión: "parcial" y "completa". Es importante entender plenamente qué significa cada diagnóstico.
Con este video aprenderás lo que significa la Metástasis en relación con la atención contra el cáncer.
Aprende con este video lo que es la inmunoterapia en el cuidado contra el cáncer.
Aprende con este video lo que significa la infusión, en el cuidado contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás qué es un puerto de infusión en el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás qué significa Biopsia en el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la terapia adyuvante en el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás lo que son las Células-T en el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás qué significa etapa en el cuidado contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la importancia de encontrar y utilizar recursos de apoyo para tus retos emocionales y físicos durante el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Un oncólogo es un médico especializado en la atención del cáncer. Detecta el cáncer y encuentra formas de tratarlo. Colabora estrechamente con el paciente para elaborar un plan de atención eficaz.
Radiation therapy is often used as a treatment against cancer. IMRT is a form of radiation therapy. Depending on your treatment goals, IMRT may be used to help treat your cancer. This sheet tells you more about IMRT and what to expect.
Intraperitoneal (IP) therapy is a treatment for cancer in the stomach. Learn more detailed information here.
Targeted therapy uses medicines that are aimed at the cancer cell specifically. Because of this, targeted therapy may cause fewer side effects. There are many kinds of targeted therapy medicines. They work differently on different types of cancers.
Brachytherapy is a treatment for cancer. Implants are used that attack the tumor from inside the body. This treatment can help slow the growth of a tumor. It can help ease pain and other symptoms caused by the tumor. Learn more about this treatment and what to expect.
Chemotherapy medicines can be harmful if they touch skin. So you need to make sure caregivers and others close to you are not exposed to body fluids during a treatment and for up to 48 hours afterward.
Detailed information on breastfeeding and mastitis.
Este video va a presentar algunas emociones comunes que las personas con frecuencia tienen cuando reciben el diagnóstico de cáncer, y les va a ofrecer unas herramientas que pueden ayudarlo con el manejo de la ansiedad, shock y depresión que acompaña la navegación por este camino.
Un diagnóstico de cáncer le cambia la vida. También cambia la vida de sus seres queridos. Puede hacerle enfrentar algunos desafíos inesperados. Pero usted no tiene que dejar que el cáncer le robe su felicidad. Existen maneras saludables de lidiar con esta enfermedad. Las siguientes son algunas estrategias para afrontarla.
Durante su tratamiento contra el cáncer, es posible que usted se pregunte cómo van a resultar las cosas. Su médico puede decirle la forma en que probablemente le afecte su cáncer. También le podrá explicar cómo es posible que responda usted al tratamiento. A esto se le llama "pronóstico" de cáncer. Su pronóstico le ayuda a tomar decisiones acerca de su cuidado.
Como parte de su tratamiento del cáncer, es posible que su médico le muestre las estadísticas de supervivencia. Esta información le puede ayudar a entender la forma en que probablemente progrese su enfermedad. Las estadísticas provienen de las historias clínicas de grandes grupos de pacientes con similares tipos de cáncer.
Descubrir que tiene cáncer de seno puede ser estremecedor. Es posible que se sienta abrumada. Es posible que no esté segura de lo que debe hacer a continuación. Por lo tanto, detengámonos por un momento, respiremos profundamente y veamos el camino que tenemos por delante.
Es duro descubrir que padece cáncer de seno cuando está embarazada. Usted se preocupa por su salud y la salud de su bebé. El tratamiento puede ser complejo. Hablemos sobre el camino que tiene por delante.
Con este video aprenderás cómo compartir tu diagnóstico de cáncer con la familia y amigos, cómo pedir apoyo y el tipo de ayuda que necesitarás durante tu tratamiento.
Este video es la historia de un paciente, Stephanie, quien tuvo cáncer de colon.
Después de ver este video, la persona sabrá lo importante que es estar al centro del tratamiento contra el cáncer y tomar decisiones durante su jornada.
Con este video aprenderás la importancia de los ensayos clínicos y como puedes beneficiarte si participas en alguno.
Después de ver este video, la persona comprenderá la importancia de contar con apoyo durante el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer y más allá.
Este video es la historia de un paciente, Andrew, quien tuvo linfoma.
Este video le va a dar al paciente una buena idea de cómo se formula un plan de tratamiento, quién participa para crearlo y cuáles preguntas debe hacer sobre su plan.
Como parte de su tratamiento contra el cáncer, es posible que usted tenga la opción de participar en un ensayo clínico. Este es un estudio de un fármaco o de un procedimiento, usualmente uno que todavía no ha sido aprobado para el uso generalizado. Los ensayos clínicos ayudan a los médicos a determinar qué tratamientos son eficaces para usted y cuáles no.
Explains what clinical trials are, why they are essential to improving cancer care, how the safety and rights of participants are protected, who is responsible for which costs, and potential risks and benefits of taking part. © National Cancer Institute
Explica la importancia de la donación de tejidos, responde a posibles preocupaciones y anima a los pacientes a que hablen con sus proveedores de cuidados para la salud acerca de la donación de muestras biológicas. © National Cancer Institute
Contiene información sobre las cosas que usted debe saber y tener en cuenta al tomar una decisión de donar sus tejidos para investigación. El tejido puede incluir materiales de su cuerpo tales como piel, cabello, uñas, sangre y orina. © National Cancer Institute
Cancer recurrence is when the cancer you were treated for comes back. This may happen any time after your treatment has finished.
Having cancer once does not mean you won't have cancer again in the future. Anyone who has had cancer has a risk for developing a new kind of cancer someday. This is known as a second cancer.
It can be hard to decide on a treatment for your type of cancer. Before starting treatment, you may want to have a second doctor review your diagnosis and treatment options.
A helpful overview guide to understanding what cancer is.
You may need to travel away from home to get the cancer care that's best for you. So it might make sense to find a place to stay nearby while getting treatment. Here's a look at some housing assistance programs that help families like yours find a home away from home during treatment.
Cancer treatment comes with a lot of appointments, tests, and procedures. And that means handling tons of medical records and information. Keeping everything organized is key.
Sometimes, even when you follow treatment plans and have great care, cancer may come back. Know that it's not your fault if you have a cancer recurrence.
Even with insurance, cancer treatment can be expensive. Thankfully, there are resources that can help.
While breast cancer can appear at any time in men, it's often found in those older than age 50.
Cancer can be difficult for your child and family members to grasp. Try to be patient and empathetic with every member of your family.
A rare cancer is one that affects fewer than 40,000 people per year in the U.S. Because these cancers are rare, it might be harder to find information about them.
If you've been diagnosed with cancer, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of questions you have. You could be wondering more about your condition, how to take care of yourself, and many other things.
Lymphedema is a problem that may occur after cancer surgery, or after radiation to the lymph nodes. It has no cure, but you can take steps to reduce or relieve symptoms.
When levels of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) in the body drop to levels that are below normal, the condition is called anemia. Anemia can occur during cancer and its treatment for many reasons.
When you are facing cancer treatment, you may have questions about how cancer care may harm your ability to have children.. Learn how you can take steps to protect your reproductive health.
When you are facing cancer treatment, you may have questions about how cancer care may harm your ability to have children. If you are thinking about having a child at some point, you can take steps to protect your reproductive health.
Lymphedema is a buildup of lymph fluid that causes swelling. It can happen if lymph nodes or lymph vessels are removed or damaged.
You don't have to accept pain as a normal part of having cancer of getting cancer treatment. There are many different medicines available to help you. These medicines come in many forms, including pills, patches, and a special pump. Here's what you need to know.
After cancer treatment ends, you may find that you still feel tired and unable to do the things you want and need to do. Cancer-related fatigue is a very common problem for cancer survivors. It may last for months or even years after cancer treatment ends.
Lymphedema is swelling in part of the body that may occur after cancer surgery or radiation. It's an ongoing (chronic) condition that has no cure. But you can do things to help reduce your risk for lymphedema.
Pain is a common side effect of cancer and cancer treatment. But sometimes people have pain even after cancer is gone and treatment is over. This can cause problems with daily life and make it harder to function or enjoy things.
Cancer treatment often causes mouth problems or affects your oral health. It can cause problems such as sores, pain, infection, saliva changes, and dry mouth.
Peripheral neuropathy is a common problem caused by cancer treatment. Peripheral neuropathy can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and other problems around the body.
Getting to your treatment appointments is important for your care. If you need help with transportation, there are people willing to help.
The costs of cancer care can be a significant burden for many patients and their families. These tips can help you.
Going to regular healthcare appointments is just one way you can take care of yourself.
One of the most important steps to take after a cancer diagnosis is finding the right place to get treatment.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you're likely feeling overwhelmed or scared. The oncology nurse navigator (ONN) is a compassionate healthcare team membe who can see you through treatments and hospital visits. The ONN will guide you on your path through cancer care.
Enhorabuena, usted ha terminado su tratamiento contra el cáncer. En lugar de visitas frecuentes al médico y resultados de análisis, por fin puede comenzar a vivir otra vez. Pero es posible que encuentre que la vida se siente un tanto diferente ahora. Por lo tanto, tomémonos unos minutos para mirar el camino que tiene por delante.
You can't fight cancer alone. Reach out. Seek support from family, friends, and others who care about you. Let other people assist you. It can help you feel better both during and after your treatment.
Now that you are facing treatment for cancer, you may have concerns that you want to share. If you do want to talk, you may not know how to start. These ideas may help.
Hearing that your cancer is incurable is shocking. It can be hard to know how to move forward.
There are many resources for people with cancer. When you know where to go for help, you can focus on healing and feeling better.
When someone with cancer is getting close to the end of their life, you may see some fast changes, or it can be a slow process. Preparing for these changes will help you ensure your loved one is as comfortable as they can be during their final days.
During your cancer treatment, there are strategies you can use to make each day a little bit easier..
Cancer is a life-altering experience. Emotional support plays a big role in coping with the challenges that come with it.
Here's some advice to help you share your cancer news with others when you're ready.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas la importancia de obtener los nutrientes adecuados durante el tratamiento para el cáncer, y cuales alimentos ayudan a proporcionar esos nutrientes.
Este video va a mostrarles a las personas la importancia de mantenerse hidratados durante el tratamiento contra el cáncer, y cómo tomar suficientes líquidos.
Este video va a mostrarles a las personas la manera de manejar sabores desagradables de comida y bebidas durante el tratamiento del cáncer.
Contiene información sobre los problemas de alimentación que los pacientes podrían tener durante el tratamiento del cáncer y qué hacer para controlarlos. © National Cancer Institute
During cancer treatment, you need enough calories and protein. But the foods you choose can also help you cope with side effects of cancer and its treatment. Here's what you need to know.
When your body gets the nutrients it needs, it can focus on healing, building strength, and boosting your overall well-being.
Eating well helps you keep your strength up during this tough time. It can also help you manage side effects and boost your recovery.
Después de ver este video, la persona sabrá que el tratamiento no es el fin y escuchará consejos sobre una vida saludable después del tratamiento.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la importancia de reducir tu riesgo de infecciones durante el tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás por qué es importante dejar de fumar si tienes cáncer.
Con este video aprenderás cómo manejar tu diabetes durante tu tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Many men have changes in their sex life after cancer treatment. You may have both physical and emotional side effects.
Many women have changes in their sex life after cancer treatment. You may have both physical and emotional side effects.
Cancer can affect a man's ability to have children (fertility). A man is considered infertile if he is unable to get a partner pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. Read on to learn more.
After you finish cancer treatment, what's next? Cancer treatment keeps getting better. Millions of people are now living life after cancer.
Some cancer treatments include taking out a woman's ovaries, or causing them to stop working. This can lead to menopause symptoms that can cause problems with everyday life. But there are things you can do to manage menopause after cancer.
You have rights under federal and state laws to help you buy and keep coverage. But these rights are not comprehensive, and they may vary depending on where you live, what kind of coverage you have or seek, and other factors.
Many people lose or gain weight when they have cancer. Here's a look at why weight changes can happen when you have cancer.
Some cancer risk factors have nothing to do with your genes or your habits. For instance, you may increase your risk of cancer by being exposed to substances and chemicals in certain environments. This exposure can happen outside, at work, or in your home.
Now that cancer treatment is done, you have the power to make yourself even stronger and healthier. It starts by fueling your body with nutritious foods and getting plenty of movement in your day.
A survivorship care plan is your personal map to life as a cancer survivor. It can give you confidence and peace of mind as you move forward.
If you're thinking of trying to get pregnant, talk with your healthcare team about what you can expect. Your situation will be unique to you and your cancer journey.
Be patient with yourself as you get used to your life after cancer. It may take time for you to feel a sense of normalcy again.
Después de ver este video, la persona comprenderá sobre la dificultad financiera que el tratamiento contra el cáncer representa y la forma para superar este reto.
Aprende con este video lo que es la toxicidad financiera y cómo puede conducir a una mala calidad de vida para los pacientes que tienen cáncer.
Contiene información sobre los sentimientos y las preocupaciones que afectan a las personas con cáncer y a sus familias. © National Cancer Institute
Sugerencias para saber qué decir a los amigos, cómo superar la tensión y en dónde encontrar apoyo; también, información sobre el cáncer y sobre los tratamientos de cáncer, para jóvenes que tienen a uno de sus papás con cáncer. © National Cancer Institute